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-Used to decrease obesity

-Arthritis buster, joint pain buster, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis)

-Digestive disorders

-Vitamin A, Iron, Phosphate, Bromate

-Lowers blood pressure

-Regulates thyroid

-Great for skin treatment

-Heartburn, “blood cleansing,” constipation, bronchitis, emphysema, urinary tract disorders

-Relaxer good for those with symptoms

of anxiety

Other uses include boosting the immune system and increasing overall energy.


Rich in beta-carotene (plant-based vitamin A), it contains the nutrients fucoxanthin and fucoidan which Chinese scientists are heralding as the “eye nutrients of the future”. Fucoxanthin is the primary part of the light-absorbing mechanism of the seaweed and is what gives it a brown or olive-green colour*combine this with Irish Sea Moss for full iron infused celluar inculcation*(great healing duo for disorders like anemia and other iron deficiencies)


Note: Consult with healthcare professional before use. 


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